Sunday, March 11, 2012

What A Heartbreaker

I have experienced a true heart break and it will probably take a while for me to fall in love once again. Eventhough Mr. Bingley caused me grief by his false hints of love, I wish him the best alongside Miss Darcey because I know love has its own path it chooses to follow. I am very thankful of my family and friends who surround me daily, and those who look out for me and my happiness. The letters that me and Lizzy have been sending to each other during the summer have lifted my spirits immensely. If it hadn't been for Miss Caroline Bingley, I would still be hoping and longing for a love and dream that would have never reached a particular point of becoming true.  

1 comment:

  1. i am assured that you may find love again somewhere else. However Mr. Bingley was not for you. From the beginning i saw you look at him in a loving manner i knew that you two would not be right for each other. He is of a much more considerable position then you or your family, and it would be wasted upon him to marry someone of such lower class.
